2.2 Instant trade

For projects, the low volatility of the prices for the currency they get their receivables it may be of particular interest. If a project receives the equivalent of EUR 25 in SLCT in the morning for a cycling portal services package, for example, that they sold, then it should still be worth EUR 25 in the evening so that the project can achieve the planned profitability indicator. Thanks to the conditions of decentralization and free circulation of SLCT token, different tools, and wallets implement an instant trade option with an integrated third-party cryptocurrency exchange platform, thereby enabling users to conveniently trade SLCT for various crypto-assets such as Bitcoin, USDT, MATIC or EUR. Among other things, this helps to speed up the go-to-market, reduces time constraints, and mitigates the dependency on changing or yet-to-be-released regulatory frameworks.

In conclusion, the price of SLCT is free-floating and determined solely by demand and supply, without any value stabilization mechanisms. While this does not fully mitigate volatility, thus bearing the risk of value loss, it also allows for value increase, which is undeniably attractive in the current cryptocurrency markets. It also ensures complete independence from any centralized entity, making the SmartLeCo Ecosystem able to exist without drawbacks or disadvantages. Due to the instant trade mechanism, it can still be ensured that projects always get the amount charged to the customer in their reference fiat currency.

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