1.1 Challenge

Small- and Medium-sized enterprises / companies and projects only have limited access to the financial markets and its tools. But at the same time, growth in competitive markets is only possible through modern infrastructure, from cashier systems to an interested banking partner, as well as appropriate credit lines and modern marketing tools to retain customers.

At the other side, consumers and clients are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve prosperity because money, as a tool of politics, serves many interests. Taxation and monetary policies have been coordinated so that consumers live in large numbers, without significant wealth, and are thus dependent on the state. Taxes, inflation and subsidies protect this system. And creating your own business or investing in an interesting project requires significant start-up capital and knowledge, and a significant time period until the first real income is received.

The problem lies in the gap between the interests of a globalised financial economy and its industrial clientele on the one hand, and the local and regional value chains of consumers and companies / projects on the other. This gap hinders competition, active development and dictates prices away from demand, ultimately weakening democratic involvement.

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