2. Product suite

The SmartLeCo Ecosystem is an open, community-driven infrastructure. For the most part, anyone can view and interact with the Polygon Blockchain using the different tools and wallets that are publicly available and technically compliant. Users can even develop their applications on top of it. To fulfill its promise of becoming the “everyday business and people's currency”, SLCT needs to be easy and intuitive to use, and integration into other systems must be straightforward. For this reason, the SmartLeCo Ecosystem already includes some basic tools interacting with the Polygon Blockchain. These provide easy and convenient access to the core functionalities and features of the Polygon Blockchain.

Since the SmartLeCo ecosystem is initially hybrid, this implies the development and integration of products, businesses, and projects both in the real sector of the economy and on blockchain technologies.

The first stage of ecosystem development implies the creation of own products (SmartLeCo DAO with staking options, Bike Universe, ...), and the participants of the SmartLeCo ecosystem will be directly involved in this process. SLCT tokens will be integrated into each product as a means of payment or as an instrument for paying rewards.

The SmartLeCo website provides users with general information such as news, SLCT usage, and other information related to the SmartLeCo Ecosystem, products, and numerous different tools and services. It also contains links to the learning center, the support area, the SmartLeCo Ecosystem's product Apps and web pages, and other materials such as documentation for developers.

The Polygon Blockchain Explorer (PolygonScan) is an online browser for inspecting and analyzing the Polygon Blockchain. It reveals the contents of blocks, transactions, transaction histories, accounts, balances, and tokens. With this free public tool, users can browse the blockchain and transparently check for the status of any given previous or active transaction.

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