1. Introduction

The SmartLeCo Ecosystem is a geographically free (global), denationalised (and decentralised) solution, enabling local value creation with a global scope. One main component of the ecosystem is a crypto token SLCT (SmartLeCo token) that not only has value, but also carries values. These principles provide the basis on which to build and secure wealth, social cohesion and local economic circuits, sustainably and with a long-term vision. The SmartleCo Ecosystem does not rely on any central authority, private or national. That is why the SmartLeCo Ecosystem is built on a decentralised technology and governed by the community. This document provides information on all the important relevant issues to introduce readers to the SmartLeCo Ecosystem. The aim is to give consumers, clients, creators, product owners, service providers and other interested parties a glimpse into a common future and to shed light on the potential of SLCT.

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